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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What is IVF?

Some basic Facts about IVF

When all methods are tried out, the last option to give birth to a baby is IVF.  So, what is IVF?  IVF is In vitro Fertilization that is mixing of sperm and egg outside human body.  If conception does not take place in the normal course due to various reasons like, late marriage, low sperm count or fallopian tube obstructions, this is the right choice before aspirants.
What is IVF?  Embryologists inject good quality sperm directly to egg with the help of a microscope.
How much time IVF procedure takes? It usually takes 30 to 40 days for conception and the aspirant has to make frequent visit to hospital during this period.
What is IVF success rate?  Success finally depends upon the age of the woman conceiving.  IVF statistics show that if the age exceeds 30 success rate at initial attempt is about 40 to 50 percent.
Is there any side effects?  Treatment is given only to female.  She may get pain in abdomen or even swelling is developed due to infections during creation of excess eggs but can be  managed through IVF medications
When is fetus deposited? Fetus is deposited after 2/3 days’ growth.
What if more fetuses developed?  If more fetuses are developed the same can be preserved and stored in a freezer for giving birth to a second child.
What are the IVF risks? A proper agreement should be made out by the persons involved.  It is good for the safety of both embryologists as well as the benefactors to maintain transparency and confirm steps well in advance.
How much does the IVF cost? It depends upon the country or place where you take treatment.  Since WHO has accepted Infertility as a disease, in countries like US people can opt for insurance benefits and avail IVF Fincancing.  If one has to bare out the cost oneself options like getting treatment in less expensive countries like India can be thought of where the cost is in the range of 1 to 1.5 lace INR.Research on Fertility and Sterility: Proceedings of the Xth World Congress on Fertility and Sterility Held in Madrid, Spain, on July 5-11 1980 (World Congress on Fertility and Sterility Proceeding)