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Monday, April 25, 2011

Will Dollar domination remain in New World Order?

What would be the status of Dollar in New World Order emerging?  Will it retain its status among currencies of the world?  These are the questions for which every one seeks answer in view of the depleting dollar value internationally.  If you get the right answer you are sure to be in winning position. One should go into search history of dollar value before arriving at any conclusion as we have had worldwide depression and recessions in the past too. explains how the table started to turn against Dollar from seventies during oil prices spurt and inflation caused on account of Vietnam War.  President Richard Nixon was compelled to stop convertibility of Dollar into Gold and then the ill fate of Dollar began.  Gold Price moved from $ 35 in 1969 to $ 500 per Ounce in 1980. There was a sudden shift towards investing in commodities thereafter.
But during successive years US $ witnessed erosion in its status due to NPAs  not as non performing assets but non performing administrators who lacked caliber of earlier administrators who managed even worst situations and emerged out successful.   Unnecessary wars and meddling in international affairs were misunderstood to be sign of status and strength that caused huge cost to exchequer. Even till late during the time of peril too there has been an urge to take up the self imposed role of world police.  Thank God now the roles are more or less collateral and passive as active roles passed on to NATO and European Union who enjoyed privileges so far at the expenses of US.
The emerging New World Order of BRIC  and now BRICS  after inclusion of South Africa is seriously considering replacing US$ with new mechanisms to their added advantages.  Among its members India and China,  the emerging economies least affected by the recession are now in commanding positions.   This latest development makes the position of US$ more vulnerable.  But is it safer to get invested in these regional currencies.  The answer is No due to prevailing inflations and loss of intrinsic value.
So the ultimate choice for safer and prosperous investment is none other than the traditional one i.e., investment in commodities like Gold and Silver whose value is sky rocketing.   This is so because there is a basic rule for safe and sure way to invest and that is to follow the mob.  The mob is on the chase for these commodities now.  If you do not follow the mob, you would be left alone.  If you have not done it already, do it now.   It is the time.  Of course, you can be an expert within the mob itself by making a comparative study of the speed and stamina of the front running stocks.  I have predicted it almost a year back through this blog.  An analysis of related appreciation and safety among investment in Gold and silver   I repeated it many times through blogs and various articles.  The latest being a few days back,  cautioning silver price may touch $50 an ounce in international market.………….  This too is becoming a reality now.   There is still scope and never consider it as a lost opportunity.  The race has never ended.  How long it will last, only time will reveal.   For those who missed earlier opportunity it is better late than never.  Wait for the earliest chance for correction in the prices of these commodities and make selective purchases till the trend continues.

tvpuram: Will Dollar domination remain in New World Order?

tvpuram: Will Dollar domination remain in New World Order?

Will Dollar domination remain in New World Order?

What would be the status of Dollar in New World Order emerging?  Will it retain its status among currencies of the world?  These are the questions for which every one seeks answer in view of the depleting dollar value internationally.  If you get the right answer you are sure to be in winning position. One should go into search history of dollar value before arriving at any conclusion as we have had worldwide depression and recessions in the past too. explains how the table started to turn against Dollar from seventies during oil prices spurt and inflation caused on account of Vietnam War.  President Richard Nixon was compelled to stop convertibility of Dollar into Gold and then the ill fate of Dollar began.  Gold Price moved from $ 35 in 1969 to $ 500 per Ounce in 1980. There was a sudden shift towards investing in commodities thereafter.
But during successive years US $ witnessed erosion in its status due to NPAs  not as non performing assets but non performing administrators who lacked caliber of earlier administrators who managed even worst situations and emerged out successful.   Unnecessary wars and meddling in international affairs were misunderstood to be sign of status and strength that caused huge cost to exchequer. Even till late during the time of peril too there has been an urge to take up the self imposed role of world police.  Thank God now the roles are more or less collateral and passive as active roles passed on to NATO and European Union who enjoyed privileges so far at the expenses of US.
The emerging New World Order of BRIC  and now BRICS  after inclusion of South Africa is seriously considering replacing US$ with new mechanisms to their added advantages.  Among its members India and China,  the emerging economies least affected by the recession are now in commanding positions.   This latest development makes the position of US$ more vulnerable.  But is it safer to get invested in these regional currencies.  The answer is No due to prevailing inflations and loss of intrinsic value.
So the ultimate choice for safer and prosperous investment is none other than the traditional one i.e., investment in commodities like Gold and Silver whose value is sky rocketing.   This is so because there is a basic rule for safe and sure way to invest and that is to follow the mob.  The mob is on the chase for these commodities now.  If you do not follow the mob, you would be left alone.  If you have not done it already, do it now.   It is the time.  Of course, you can be an expert within the mob itself by making a comparative study of the speed and stamina of the front running stocks.  I have predicted it almost a year back through this blog.  An analysis of related appreciation and safety among investment in Gold and silver   I repeated it many times through blogs and various articles.  The latest being a few days back,  cautioning silver price may touch $50 an ounce in international market.………….  This too is becoming a reality now.   There is still scope and never consider it as a lost opportunity.  The race has never ended.  How long it will last, only time will reveal.   For those who missed earlier opportunity it is better late than never.  Wait for the earliest chance for correction in the prices of these commodities and make selective purchases till the trend continues.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Silver Price Vs. Gold Price

Why Silver price appreciates better than Gold price?

There has been wide disparity in percentage of appreciation of gold price and silver price for the past one year.  The silver price movement graph shows steep rise whereas gold price movement is gradual.

I have been forecasting most profitable investment options through my blogs occasionally.  On June 2010, I wrote in my blog about prospects of investment in silver and how it was a better option than investment in gold. Read my original blog on the subject
 I repeated the call again in September 2010 when silver price reached $23 level from $19 during June at the time of my initial appeal.  Today as you know it has reached $37 and in a short time from now is likely to reach $50 level.

What is the future of silver?

Compare it with appreciation in gold price.  Gold price was at $1250 level that time.  With all focus concentrated on its investment gold could reach $1420 only; say a 20% appreciation But appreciation in the case of silver price is 100% from June 2010 level. The rally is likely to continue in view of the persistent demand for industrial purpose from electronic industry in China and Japan.  About 75% of the silver produced is being used for this purpose. In view of developments in nanotechnology the demand for silver may further increase.

What are the risks in silver?

High cost of gold makes it vulnerable to risks.  Moreover, the handling cost also is more. If the uncertainties prevailing in world economy are settled, there is every chance the price may come down.  But price of silver which is purely demand based chances for depreciation is next to impossible.  Under the circumstances, I may once again call upon all prudent material investors to shift their focus from gold to silver as early as possible to reap the befit of this reality. For easy access to procurement of the metal I give links enabling you purchase it instantly

Monday, March 14, 2011

Why Do We Need Energy If Earth Is Uninhabitable?

Man in the name of energy is making Earth uninhabitable by creating hurdles that challenge even his survival. His activities lead to over heating the Globe, making it radio active and destroying its Eco system.  The nature has its own way to overcome the hurdles and subside the wrong doings but if the limit exceeds what would be the result?  We are witnessing the third major nuclear disaster today.  Experts say there is no hope for the escape from radiation exposure(}.

Nuclear  power is sustainable enrgy, reduces carbon emissions resulting out of fossil fuels. It is advantageous that way.  But consider the  risks that may arise due to accidents and dissposal of nuclear waste. We cannot rule out a danger of sabotage as our installations can become vulnerable to the advantage of terrorists who are closely watching the situations.
Now the word meltdown has become so common and an additional worry for everyone who is in the periphery of an installation.  World has to undertake additional steps to ensure safety of about 440 reactors all over the world. A review of old installations is the urgent need of the time.  Besides, man has to concentrate more on developing less hazardous technologies like wind energy and solar energy making it more economically viable. 
At any rate this crazy pursuit of man on material advantages compromising his own safety and challenging his own very survival itself should halt. This is good for us and our future generations.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What is IVF?

Some basic Facts about IVF

When all methods are tried out, the last option to give birth to a baby is IVF.  So, what is IVF?  IVF is In vitro Fertilization that is mixing of sperm and egg outside human body.  If conception does not take place in the normal course due to various reasons like, late marriage, low sperm count or fallopian tube obstructions, this is the right choice before aspirants.
What is IVF?  Embryologists inject good quality sperm directly to egg with the help of a microscope.
How much time IVF procedure takes? It usually takes 30 to 40 days for conception and the aspirant has to make frequent visit to hospital during this period.
What is IVF success rate?  Success finally depends upon the age of the woman conceiving.  IVF statistics show that if the age exceeds 30 success rate at initial attempt is about 40 to 50 percent.
Is there any side effects?  Treatment is given only to female.  She may get pain in abdomen or even swelling is developed due to infections during creation of excess eggs but can be  managed through IVF medications
When is fetus deposited? Fetus is deposited after 2/3 days’ growth.
What if more fetuses developed?  If more fetuses are developed the same can be preserved and stored in a freezer for giving birth to a second child.
What are the IVF risks? A proper agreement should be made out by the persons involved.  It is good for the safety of both embryologists as well as the benefactors to maintain transparency and confirm steps well in advance.
How much does the IVF cost? It depends upon the country or place where you take treatment.  Since WHO has accepted Infertility as a disease, in countries like US people can opt for insurance benefits and avail IVF Fincancing.  If one has to bare out the cost oneself options like getting treatment in less expensive countries like India can be thought of where the cost is in the range of 1 to 1.5 lace INR.Research on Fertility and Sterility: Proceedings of the Xth World Congress on Fertility and Sterility Held in Madrid, Spain, on July 5-11 1980 (World Congress on Fertility and Sterility Proceeding)