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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

How to deal with sudden memory loss

Causes for memory loss: First of all it should be differentiated from dementia due to Alzheimer’s.  The discussion here is about the temporary repressed stage of memory or the memory loss we generally call.  There are many reasons for the memory loss other than growing age.  Any imbalance in physical condition, deficiency in vitamins, thyroid problems may affect your memory and you should find out the reasons for it and rectify it with help of medical intervention.  An injury caused to brain also may affect your power to memorize.  Another factor is excessive alcohol consumption and other intoxication.  Certain drugs also may contribute to memory loss and other imbalances of mind.  If noticed report it to your physician and use alternatives.  Depression is another cause for it. Obsession to certain vices like gambling also may lead to poor memory.
Remedies: Memory loss occurring due to minor reasons can be rectified by simple procedures as follows:
      1.    Reading, writing and debating topics of interests is one way to enhance memory. 
  1. Trying to learn new languages, skills etc. will give good exercise to brain and increase its power.
  2. Practising meditation and other mind exercises for concentration with breadth control are good.
  3. Teaching is a good way for helping memory.  Give importance to the main points and try to develop the idea with different explanations.
  4. Avoid using gadgets for simple jobs like calculation and spelling remembrance.
  5. Try to recollect day’s activities serially before sleep.
  6. Engage in games like chess, which compel you to remember your last move as well as moves ahead.  Try to remember maximum steps ahead anticipating all probable moves by opponent.
  7. Try to reconcile your difficulty to memorize by correlation of events, names of places and persons inter-related.
  8. Put maximum efforts to recollect without accepting defeat.  Try to remember passwords, telephone numbers, car numbers and other items of daily use.
  9. Practise to remember transactions without referring to recorded evidences and repeat it in mind several times.
You can be a victim of memory loss at any time due to different circumstances.  It is very essential to keep power to memorize intact for all success in life.  It will rule out your dependence on others becoming liability to them in extreme cases.